Grace Baptist Church is located in Waterbury, CT, which was once known as the Brass City (brass capital of the world). This New England city has a population of approximately 110,000 persons, of which about 50% are minority composed of multiple ethnic backgrounds. Located in the central section of the state, Waterbury is easily accessible to several East Coast metropolitan cities by the interstate system. The church is located in the downtown Waterbury area.
Grace Baptist is composed of approximately 500 predominately African-American disciples. The history of this Bible-based church is a glorious story of self-sacrificing love and labor on the part of many members and others for God and His people. The disciples of Grace Baptist Church comprise a number of vital organizations as identified on the Ministries page of our website.
By faith in God, we will strive to win souls using Christian courage to further advance God's kingdom. Our mission is to be a worshiping, witnessing, teaching/learning, and serving community of believers.
Corner Maker for Church featuring an image of the church, the name of the church and Bible Verse Jos
Deacon Thomas B. Piland is the Chairman of the Official Board; Deacon James Harris is the Vice Chairman. Deacon Margie A. Wright is the Church Clerk. The members of the Official Board include the Deacons and the Trustees of the church.
Rondell Bulls; Linda Chapman; Thelma M. Griffin; Lavern Jenkins; Elliott Johnson; James Sanders and Margie A. Wright.
Therefore, my beloved, be steadfast, immovable, always excelling in the work of the Lord, because you know that in the Lord your labor is not in vain.
1 Corinthians 15:58
Mission: to be dedicated caregivers, to use our spiritual gifts in a shared ministry of concern for the total well-being of God's people, to support the pastor in his ministry and the mission of Grace Baptist Church. Christ is our example and His ministry is our model
Gene Council; Carrie Jackson; Ernest I. Mosley; Sharon Mulley; William Parkmond; and Joyce Petteway, Chair of the Trustees
Let a man so consider us, as servants of Christ and stewards of the mysteries of God. Moreover it is required in stewards that one be found faithful.
1 Corinthians 4: 1-2
Mission: to be spiritual-minded and always depending on the Holy Spirit to guide and lead us to make decisions regarding the church by keeping the Pastor, official board, and members informed on all maintenance and related issues.
Church logo of man kneeling, raising right hand with the name of the church and a cross.
Grace Bapitst Church
65 Kingsbury Street Waterbury, CT 06702 US